Law Times

November 3, 2014

The premier weekly newspaper for the legal profession in Ontario

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Page 8 November 3, 2014 • Law Times Start with Practical Law Canada. Save time with straightforward, up-to-date resources such as: ȕ .BOBHFNFOU*OGPSNBUJPO$JSDVMBSBOE"OOVBM4IBSFIPMEFSTȎ.FFUJOH5PPMLJU ȕ 4IBSFIPMEFSTȎ.FFUJOHT/PUJDFBOE"DDFTT Practice Note ȕ .BOBHFNFOU*OGPSNBUJPO$JSDVMBS$PNQFOTBUJPO%JTDMPTVSF"OBMZTJTȋ 8IBU&WFSZ-BXZFS/FFETUP"TL Checklist ȕ 4IBSFIPMEFSTȎ.FFUJOHT4DSJQUGPS"OOVBM.FFUJOH Standard Document Our lawyer-editors create and maintain hundreds of practical resources so you don't have to. Sign up for a FREE TRIAL now at A BLANK CANVAS IS INSPIRING BUT NOT WHEN LEADING SHAREHOLDERS' MEETINGS. 00224GT-A47461 Untitled-4 1 2014-10-30 10:47 AM

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