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Page 2 May 16, 2016 • Law TiMes
in 2007 to act as counsel to Ogier,
an offshore law firm specializing
in tax-haven jurisdictions such
as the Channel Islands and Lux-
embourg. Based in the Cayman
Islands, he advised clients on es-
tablishing offshore structured fi-
nance vehicles and hedge funds,
before returning to Canada with
Heenan Blaikie LLP in 2010. Af-
ter that firm's collapse, he landed
at Dentons in 2014 along with 21
other Heenan lawyers who de-
camped at the same time.
Davies' original CRA reas-
sessment arrived in 2009, when
the agency took issue with his
claims for capital cost allowanc-
es in the tax years of 2005, 2006,
and 2007. He turned to his for-
mer colleagues at Oslers to fight
the CRA as part of a larger group
that had claimed similar allow-
ances for software licences, and
launched his appeal in tax court
in late 2010.
The group, which included a
number of other partners at Os-
lers, bought the licences to use
a program called the Trafalgar
Global Index Futures from iP
Group Ltd. Davies' total costs
claimed for those tax years were
$415,000 in 2005, $275,000 in
2006, and $260,000 in 2007.
According to Bocock, Davies
and the related appellants then
took part in a conference call
with their lawyers at Oslers on
Nov. 23, 2010, where "authority
appears to have been given to
resolve the appeals within the
range of 20-40% of deductibility
of the capital cost."
However, in his motion re-
cord, Davies said, "at no time
during the November 23, 2010
meeting did I give Oslers tax
counsel instructions to settle
my appeal. Tax counsel has been
instructed to pursue settlement
discussions only and to follow-
up after feedback had been ob-
tained from the Department of
Davies then heard nothing
more from Oslers until Sep-
tember 2013, almost three years
later. In the meantime, the law
firm had entered negotiations
with Justice Canada lawyers,
and ultimately settled on behalf
of the entire group for just 10 per
cent capital cost deductibility.
The minutes of settlement were
executed in July 2013, along with
the notice of discontinuance,
which was only to be filed once
the reassessments were issued,
conforming to the settlement.
The law firm's first contact
with Davies came in on Sept. 23,
2013, 10 days after his new no-
tice reassessment was issued by
the CRA. According to Bocock's
decision, Davies made his op-
position known to Oslers, who
in turn asked Justice Canada
on Sept. 25, 2013 to reverse Da-
vies' reassessment and not file
the notice of discontinuance in
his case. Nevertheless, a govern-
ment lawyer filed the discon-
tinuance on Oct. 2, 2013, telling
Oslers that the settlement was
reached on the basis that all the
appellants were prepared to set-
tle and that it would not be pos-
sible to reverse the assessments.
Woodyard says Davies' case
for fraud was "seriously under-
mined" by the fact that Justice
Canada had asked for, and re-
ceived, confirmation from Os-
lers of its continued retainer for
all individual appellants before
signing the settlement.
"That was a particularly pru-
dent step in this case, but prob-
ably advisable in any event. Lots
of things can change over a long
period, especially when you are
dealing with such a large group
of clients," Woodyard says.
Despite his findings on the
lack of fraud, Bocock went on to
reject Davies' call for the judge to
examine the minutes of settle-
ment and find them invalid due
to Oslers' alleged lack of author-
ity to settle the appeal.
"To conduct such an inquiry
and rescind the Minutes in these
factual circumstances ignores
the obvious and consequential
responsibility and omissions
of [Oslers]: no communica-
tion with a client for 3 years, no
fresh contact within 54 days of
execution of the Minutes, the
day delay in contacting Respon-
dent's counsel and then only by
voicemail and no advice by Ap-
pellant's counsel directly to the
Court. These omissions clearly
impact the solicitor-client rela-
tionship, but their time of dis-
covery was simply too late to al-
low this Court to exercise its dis-
cretion to invalidate the Minutes
and the resolution of this settled
litigation," Bocock wrote.
According to Woodyard:
"The court is saying that really
this is a matter for the appel-
lant and their former counsel
to resolve between themselves,
and not for the court to resolve
at this point," she says. "I think
the case underscores the impor-
tance to lawyers of maintaining
clear lines of communication,
particularly when dealing with
large groups of similarly situated
Peter Aprile, the principal at
Toronto firm Counter Tax Law-
yers, says the decision reveals
an "unfortunate situation" in
which "everyone suffered," but
he believes it could have been
prevented. At his firm, regular
updates are delivered to clients
in an attempt to avoid commu-
nication issues.
"Our 60/60 progress reports
ensure that our clients are in-
formed of the progress that we
made in the past 60 days and the
progress we expect in the next 60
days," Aprile says. "It takes time
and effort; and we do not charge
for the report, but we believe
60/60 progress reports are an
important custom. It helps cli-
ents stay well informed, reduces
questions, raises the quality and
depth of client meetings, ensures
that we are on top of every file,
and it invites clients to schedule
a meeting to address any issues
or questions." LT
an $800,000 payment from the
firms leading the national class
action, including Camp Fiorante
and Branch MacMaster.
The fee-sharing deal was
reached through mediation with
a Court of Queen's Bench judge
in Alberta.
Even still, Perell concluded
that the deal must comply with
class action legislation in Ontario
to be approved in this province.
"The Merchant Law Group
did not make a contribution to
the achievement of the settle-
ment agreement and the firm
should not share in the recov-
ery," wrote Perell.
The Vancouver-based firms,
in their written submissions,
take issue with Perell's sugges-
tion that resolving competing
class actions can take place in
a single province with national
"opt-in" rules.
"This statement which
amounts to second-guessing
class counsel who "live and
breathe" complex national liti-
gation is not in accordance with
the reality of the extremely chal-
lenging situation presently fac-
ing all class litigants in Canada,"
writes Ward Branch, a partner at
Branch MacMaster.
The appellants also point out
that courts in four other prov-
inces took no issue with the
fee-sharing deal and the money
comes from approved funds for
class counsel and not the por-
tion of the settlement for class
Jasminka Kalajdzic, a law
professor at the University of
Windsor and a co-author of
a text on class action law, says
Bancroft-Snell is another ex-
ample of the difficulties that can
arise in national class actions
with competing firms.
"Merchant Law Group has
been known to initiate compet-
ing class actions and then not
advance them.
Plaintiffs and defence law-
yers have themselves com-
plained about this pattern of
behaviour and have gone to
court in the past arguing delay
and abuse of process.
It is therefore understandable
why Justice Perell would be con-
cerned about payments to make
competing law firms go away,"
says Kalajdzic.
"While agreeing to pay a firm
to stay its class action may be
cheaper than a contested car-
riage fight, it creates no disin-
centive for repeating that same
conduct," she adds.
The Merchant Law Group
has been granted intervener sta-
tus by the Court of Appeal. In
its written submissions, it states
there was "a denial of natural
justice" because Perell issued his
ruling without hearing from the
As well, it argues that the
judge had "no factual or legal
basis" to order class counsel not
to comply with the terms of the
fee-sharing agreement with
The defendants in Bancroft-
Snell are not participating in the
appeal, so the court appointed
Brendan van Niejenhuis, a part-
ner at Stockwoods LLP, as amic-
us curiae to bring an adversarial
context to the issues that need to
be decided.
There are strong policy rea-
sons to uphold Perell's findings
about the fee-sharing deal, states
van Niejenhuis in his written
"Permitting such agreements
would encourage lawyers to
commence class actions with
the sole intention of using the
proceeding as leverage to extract
a share of the contingency fee,"
he writes.
"In its essence, his decision
is about the incentives that the
court should seek to foster with-
in the class proceedings regime,"
writes van Niejenhuis.
Given the unique role of a
court in determining whether
counsel fees are "fair and rea-
sonable" after a class action
settlement, the analysis "cannot
be limited to a set list of factors,"
and appellate courts should
show deference to the ultimate
decision of the motions judge,"
he adds. LT
Continued from page 1
Continued from page 1
Natural justice denied?
Case shows need for 'clear lines of communication'
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